Sunday, January 11, 2009

What Love is Made of

I spent the weekend with my two youngest, Walker and Emily. Walker was sick part of the weekend, so I spent some extra time with Emily.

Something hit me that I already have known, the love we all want, unconditional, no questions asked, forgiving and the past hurts forgotten, is what Christ reminded us of in the New Testament, a child's love. Trust unbroken, eyes that say they love you and want to be with you. The words daddy come hear and play. Happiness to be with you. It's the grownup love I believe that we all want, but so many times forget that we should give the same, pure and innocent, slow to anger and quick to forgive.

To the best of my knowledge there is no age restriction on unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness. This hurried pace many of us keep can seemly past by lifes moments that bury themself deep within us. Simply waiting on someone, listening more than speaking, pausing before you talk, understanding much of the anger that we encounter in this world comes from hurts deeper than the words spoken. Letting go of the need to win, to be right, to get the last word in. It seems a simple life holds more than meets the eye. Contentment with what we have, grateful for things more valuable than money can buy.